O Christ our God,
You were
transfigured on the mountain,
you revealed your glory
to your disciples
to the extent that
they were able to receive it.
Make your eternal light shine
also on us sinners,
through the intercession
of the Mother of God.
O generous Giver of light,
glory to you.
(from the Oriental liturgy)
The icon of the Face of Christ is
located above the tabernacle
in San Silvestro in Capite.
It was commissioned in the year
2014 and painted by the
iconographer Ivan Polverari
to recall the return to the church
of the Image of Edessa for the
first time in 145 years for a
Solemn Triduum of prayer. The
Image was kept in the monastery
of San Silvestro for centuries and
is now found in one of the
sacristies of the Sistine Chapel.
From March 5 onwards, the noon Mass on Monday to Saturday will be celebrated in English.
Dal 5 marzo in poi, la messa a mezzogiorno da lunedì a sabato sarà celebrata in inglese.
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